
A simple autocue/teleprompter system.

Just use the arrows or spacebar to scroll.

Now, let's walk through some text.

Around the World in 80 Days

Jules Verne

"There is no young lady on board,"

interrupted the purser.

"Here is a list of the passengers;

you may see for yourself."

Passepartout scanned the list,

but his master's name was not upon it.

All at once an idea struck him.

"Ah! am I on the Carnatic?"


"On the way to Yokohama?"


Passepartout had for an instant feared that he was on the wrong boat;

but, though he was really on the Carnatic, his master was not there.

He fell thunderstruck on a seat.

He saw it all now.

He remembered that the time of sailing had been changed,

that he should have informed his master of that fact,

and that he had not done so.

It was his fault, then, that Mr. Fogg and Aouda had missed the steamer.

Yes, but it was still more the fault of the traitor who,

in order to separate him from his master,

and detain the latter at Hong Kong,

had inveigled him into getting drunk!

He now saw the detective's trick;

and at this moment Mr. Fogg was certainly ruined,

his bet was lost,

and he himself perhaps arrested and imprisoned!

At this thought Passepartout tore his hair.

适用浏览器:360、FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗、世界之窗. 不支持IE8及以下浏览器。

