
PageLoader website add-on
A loading screen add-on with slide-in content

PageLoader is a tiny, customizable add-on that gives your site an animated loading screen. It also adds a nifty slide-in animation to all your content; as the loading screen fades away, your content slides down in an unobtrusive yet memorable way.

It’s a great and lightweight way to add spice to any site. Simply insert some code (clear instructions included) and your site will instantly boast a little extra pizazz! :) Optionally, you can color customize the loading screen as well as the icon, and give them both any color you choose.

And, it works everywhere. It’s been tested on desktop browsers along with a variety of iOS, Android and Windows devices.

To purchase the add-on, click the button below:

Download on CodeCanyon

适用浏览器:360、FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗、世界之窗. 不支持IE8及以下浏览器。
